IS442 G1-T7

Installation Steps:

1. Frontend Setup

cd frontend
npm install

Proceed with installation depending on your Maven setup:

Compiling the Java Files:

Run cd backend\analytics-app where the files and compile.bat exists.

If you are on Windows, run compile.bat. If you are on Mac, run

With Maven extension in IDE:

2. Backend Setup

If below steps display an error, run cd backend\analytics-app before starting the steps.

  1. Open Maven hierarchy
  2. Right click on analytics-app
  3. Hover over "Run Maven Commands..."
  4. Click on "clean"
  5. Repeat 2-4. Click on "install"

3. Run Project


Go to root directory (APPA-IS442-G1-T7)

npm run frontend


  1. Navigate to the file: src\main\java\com\example\analyticsapp\
  2. Run code

With MVN in OS:

2. Backend Setup

Go to root directory (APPA-IS442-G1-T7)

If there's an error, run cd backend\analytics-app first.

mvn clean install

3. Run Project

// Go to root directory (APPA-IS442-G1-T7)
npm run app