Where to get the specific parameters of an object in a frame?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for your work,

I am trying to get he specific parameter information of an object in a frame, like pose, rotation, object_id.

截屏2024-01-11 12 00 18

I noticed that the objects in the scene can be edited with the code above, but we don't know what the specific xyz, yaw, and object_id of each object are.

Could you give me some hints? Thanks a lot.

Hi! @RZkiller

Thanks for your reply.

The last dimension of the pose is object_id and dim. The code above means adding 0.5 in the z-direction to the vehicle with an object ID of 1. The positive direction of the z-axis is relative to the world coordinate.

@xBeho1der Thank you for your reply. Refer to issue #105, I know the meaning of each dimension of pose/rotation and how to edit an object that already exists in the scene.

The question is that when I want to add a new car in the scene, I need to set specific pose, rotation information. But I notice that in a frame, the shape of pose/rotation of an object is (375, 1242, 3) and (375, 1242) respectively.

截屏2024-01-13 23 12 07

Does this mean if I want to add a new car, I need to provide the pose/rotation of the car with shape of (375, 1242, 3)/(375, 1242)? P.S. looks like pixel level parameter?
If not, how can i get or set the specific pose/rotation values of a certain car in the scene?