MARS: An Instance-aware, Modular and Realistic Simulator for Autonomous Driving
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Hello,I wonder the CarNerf part's train is based on the dataset input or the carstudio pretrained model?
#167 opened by zzz5y - 0
Where can I use the emulator?
#165 opened by zgp12138 - 2
about how to edit the scenes after traing
#164 opened by LivingTom - 6
Support required for Kitti360 dataset
#154 opened by gaurav00700 - 3
Error on depth estimation
#157 opened by nicetryzz - 2
a questions about foreground rendering
#163 opened by xiao1874 - 1
3D model
#162 opened by bairimengxiangjia2 - 1
Custom Dataset Preparation
#161 opened by VikasXitadel - 1
Translation and Rotation of the Actors with NVS
#160 opened by arda-num - 2
Some questions about edit foreground pedestrians
#159 opened by xiao1874 - 1
About the training setting.
#158 opened by jiangxb98 - 4
training Error: latents not exist
#156 opened by TideQin - 2
install tiny-cuda-nn error
#155 opened by TideQin - 5
Key Error when training with KITTI-0002
#138 opened by amoghskanda - 3
sequence_id.txt & frame_id.png
#140 opened by Anji-Builds - 2
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nsg'
#153 opened by ChaofengWu0 - 3
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FieldHeadNames.SEMANTICS KeyError when training Mars Recon on KITTI-Scene05
#150 opened by amoghskanda - 0
i have a small confusion in undertandig the code.
#149 opened by chxie14 - 4
What is the use for "Debug Camera offset"?
#137 opened by Yurri-hub - 3
Is using Latent code compulsory to train the model?
#148 opened by Akash-Kumbar - 14
Support for PandaSet dataset
#123 opened by JPenshornTAP - 14
Need help about mipnerf ablation for kitti
#147 opened by Yurri-hub - 7
Change the trajectory of Ego Vehicle
#141 opened by amoghskanda - 5
#130 opened by antithing - 7
Latents not exist error
#142 opened by antithing - 7
Usage of multiple cameras on PandaSet dataset
#146 opened by j-pens - 3
How to create and save new latent codes?
#118 opened by chizhangsysu - 6
How to train CarNeRF on custom dataset?
#129 opened by tendo518 - 2
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Rendering results on Carla Dataset
#145 opened by shairatabassum - 2
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Adding a KITTI car into VKITTI scene
#139 opened by ChaofengWu0 - 3
Calib/0006.txt not found
#134 opened by amoghskanda - 3
KeyError: 0
#135 opened by heiheishuang - 6
adapt to nuscene dataset
#115 opened by wutongtong - 9
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Pretrained models for car NeRFs
#131 opened by yanjh97 - 2
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Black evaluation images
#126 opened by j-pens - 3
The viewer cannot see any results during training.
#128 opened by Gniniug123 - 2
After shortening the image sequence, the problem of size mismatch occurred while calling load_state_dict.
#127 opened by Gniniug123 - 6
background blur in kitti 0003 data
#122 opened by szhang963 - 1
RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension.
#124 opened by Starrydiary - 2
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Truncation regularization
#117 opened by Gaochaoyu - 7
No checkpoint directory
#116 opened by HCCda