TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'background_model'

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hi, I tried to run

python nerfstudio/nerfstudio/scripts/ mars-kitti-car-depth-recon --data /data/kitti-MOT/training/image_02/0006

got an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
    output = _cli_impl(
    out, consumed_keywords = _calling.call_from_args(
    value, consumed_keywords_child = call_from_args(
    value, consumed_keywords_child = call_from_args(
    value, consumed_keywords_child = call_from_args(
    return unwrapped_f(*positional_args, **kwargs), consumed_keywords  # type: ignore
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'background_model'

Can you give some suggestions? Thanks.

I have the same issue, did you manage to solve this?

Hi! @antithing and @yanjh97

We have received your message, and we will fix it as soon as possible. Thanks!

You can add a version constraint in the pyproject file to limit the nerfstudio version to 0.3.4. Then, you can check if this issue has been fixed.

You can add a version constraint in the pyproject file to limit the nerfstudio version to 0.3.4. Then, you can check if this issue has been fixed.

Thanks for your replay,but the problem still exists.
2024-02-01 10-04-29 的屏幕截图

hey, facing the same issue. Changed the version of nerfstudio as well as mentioned above, still doesn't seem to work. Did anybody fix it?

Hi there! @amoghskanda @antithing @yanjh97 @ScottDeng114514 As Nerfstudio bumped its version to 1.0.0, there might be some version-related issues. Thank you all for your responses.

I think that this bug is caused by an incorrect tyro version. You can try using this branch and if there are no issues, I will fix it as soon as possible and update it on PyPI.

I suggest that you pull the code and perform a local installation by using the command pip install -e . in mars directory.

It works, now I can train my model from scratch normally! Thanks a lot.

It works for me, too. Thanks for your help.

hey, I was able to fix that but ran into another issue