Test Loom_DS3231 - Carter

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting the same problem as I was getting with the Neopixel. After investigating by putting print statement markers, the first function call of the interrupt manager,
would run, and then the code in the sketch would continue
until another interrupt manager method is called, at which point, the code halts before the method gets called.

Fault! Cause: HARDFAULT
Fault during recording: No
Line: 397
File: Manager.cpp
Failures since upload: 3

I am unsure if its the same issue or not, but currently, running the same test still ends up halting during the initialization phase. I have managed to pinpoint the precise line that the code halts on.

The traceback looks as follows (most recent call last):

RTC.init() (i dont know what calls this function)

So the code halts when the first dependency function is called.

Update: The code gets further when testing a different Feather/Hypnos stack, but still halts during some calls in InterruptManager. This second halting issue may be an issue unrelated to the DS3231, but I'm unsure