Test Loom_MB1232 - Winnie

Closed this issue · 4 comments

According to page 2 of the datasheet (, there is one pin that needs to be pulled HIGH or LOW depending on the task its doing which is pin 2 on the sensor. Looking at the Loom code, there is no way for the user to specify which pin that is being used for that and as a result, the program hangs when the Feather tries to communicate with the sensor.

Let's make this low priority. No need to hold up Loom 3 on this.

Note: Try to find an external library that supports I2C

I think we can ignore the Pin 2 thing and can use the Loom i2c functionality as-is. It's possible the default address of the sonar was changed during testing. Looking at the example code at the bottom of the datasheet, there are functions to set a new default address in addition to functions for taking a sonar reading. I think someone in CS with i2c experience could translate the bare example code into loom formatted functions. We would need to change the address back to factory default ourselves.

I am inclined to table this until after the Loom 3 release though.