
what is it?

A simple set of XML wallpapers that use the images from OSX Mojave and others to create a nice dynamic wallpaper over the course of the day. The images that aren't from MacOS are property of and you should go check them out as they have a bunch of cool stuff.


  • GNOME3+ (may work with older versions idk)
  • gnome-tweak-tool


  • Download or clone repository & unpack to "/home/ACCOUNT/Pictures/wallpapers" (eg. "home/kevin/Pictures/wallpapers/*")
  • Open the .XML file in each of the folders that you want to use and perform the next step
  • Replace the account name "lloyd" with your own (this is important as it won't work without doing this)
  • Open gnome-tweak-tools and go to Desktop, select the XML file in your desired wallpaper folder


  • will add install script that places the files in the right location and modifies the account name to your current account
  • make more I guess