
Python scripts for interaction with Modelica

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Python package containing a variety of scripts and functions for interaction with Modelica and TRANSFORM.


Scott Greenwood

Installation and Use

https://pypi.org/project/modelicapy/ - pip version may be behind GitHub

pip install modelicapy

from modelicapy import cleanData as cln

For updating your pip install to the latest GitHub version:

pip install git+https://github.com/ORNL-Modelica/ModelicaPy.git@master


pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/ORNL-Modelica/ModelicaPy.git@master

Brief Description of Files

  1. GraphViz folder - Generation of dependency graphs of a Modelica library.
  2. parametric.py - Generate parametric sweeps for simulations.
  3. read_dslog.py - Create a summary of the dslog file (e.g., pass/fail, simulation time, etc.).
  4. gen_dsin.py - Generate new dsin.txt file from dsin.txt or dsfinal.txt with modified simulation and/or variable parameters.
  5. regressiontest.py - Modified regressiontest.py file from BuildingsPy for regression testing on Windows (use with buildingspy tag 1.7 and Anaconda2)
  6. cleanData.py - Returns data using a 'r=Reader' from buildingspy that has been cleaned of repeated values (i.e., due to events) and interpolates between values.
  7. getValues - Functions to return single values from components. Helpful for getting initial values. Includes Modelica formatted output. For use with TRANSFORM.
  8. createUnitScripts.py - autogenerate .mos files for use with buildingspy regression test.
  9. raven folder - contains an example of running FMU (via pyFMI) with RAVEN
  10. wordclouds folder - example playing with the Modelica conference proceedings and wordcloud
  11. optimize folder - a demonstration. auto-simulate multiple heat transfer models, select the best one based on gold values, and then optimize CFs to match the gold values
  12. FMPy folder - a couple simple templates for using fmpy
  13. coolTSplots - a reference (may not simulate) for putting Modelica simulation results onto a TS diagram

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