
Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Easy-ISLisp(EISL) is an interpreter and compiler compatible with ISLisp standard.EISL was written by me(Kenichi Sasagawa)

On Linux  type "make" on terminal.

On Windows rename winmakefile -> makefile. and type "make" on terminal.
Require MINGW gcc

We confirmed the operation in the following environment.
Ubuntu 16.04 GCC 5.4
Raspbery Pi3 Raspbian GCC 6.3
openSUSE Leap 42.3 GCC 4.8.5
Debian GNU/Linux GCC 6.3
Windows10 MINGW GCC 5.3

eisl (Windows)
./eisl (Linux)

Linux version, REPL is editable. If you not use editable REPL, invoke with -r option.

./eisl -r

I hope that Lisp will become more popular. I hope many people enjoy Lisp. EISL aims at easy handling.

EISL has compiler. it generate GCC code and generate object code.

Invoke with -c option
./eisl -c compiler.lsp

or (load "compiler.lsp")

(compile-file "foo.lsp")

(load "foo.o")

./eisl -c compiler.lsp
Easy-ISLisp Ver0.91
> (compile-file "tarai.lsp")
type inference
compiling PACK
compiling TARAI
compiling FIB
compiling FIB*
compiling ACK
compiling GFIB
compiling TAK
compiling LISTN
compiling TAKL
compiling CTAK
compiling CTAK-AUX

invoke GCC
> (load "tarai.o")
> (time (tarai 12 6 0))
Elapsed Time(second)=0.024106
> (time (ack 4 1))
Elapsed Time(second)=3.728262

Builtin editor
EISL(Linux version) has builtin editor.

Invoke editor
(edit file-name-string) example (edit "foo.lsp")

(edit nil) edit recent file again.

CTR+O save file.
CTRL+X quit editor.
CTRL+K delete selection.
CTRL+U paste from clip board.
↑↓←→ move cursol
ESC A mark current row position. After this operation, cursol up or down reverse selected rows. ESC A again, unmark. Similer to nano editor
Enter key insert tab for Lisp automatic
Insert key switch insert/overwrite
Tab key insert tab for Lisp
BackSpace key delete backword char
Delete key delete forwaord char
Home key display top page
End key display end page
PageUp key PageUp
PageDown PageDown

ESC TAB completion.

(set-editor 'indent 'auto) set auto indent mode.
(set-editor 'indent 'manual) set manual indet mode. To indent tab key.
(set-editor 'tab 'lisp) set tab for Lisp style.
(set-editor 'tab 2) set tab 2.
(set-editor 'tab 4) set tab 4.
(set-editor 'tab 8) set tab 8.

syntax highlighting.
n = 0-7
0=Black, 1=Red, 2 =Green, 4=Blue, 5=Maggenta, 6=Syan, 7=White.
(set-editor 'syntax-color n)
(set-editor 'builtin-color n)
(set-editor 'extended-color n)
(set-editor 'string-color n)
(set-editor 'comment-color n)

Version for Raspberry include library for wiringPi.

In order to use wiringPi, you need to compile wiringpi.lsp(in example folder) and invoke EISL with super user.

sudo ./eisl

and (load "wiringpi.o")

please see exsample code "led.lsp"

"wiringpi.lsp" is source code of wiringpi.o.

EISL <==================================> C
(wiringpi-spi-setup ch speed) <===>  wiringPiSPISetup (SPI_CH, SPI_SPEED)
(wiringpi-setup-gpio ) <===> wiringPiSetupGpio()
(pin-mode n 'output) <====> pinMode(n, OUTPUT) or 'input -> INPUT 'pwm-output -> PWM-OUTPUT
(digital-write n v) <===> digitalWrite(n, v)
(digital-write-byte v) <===> digitalWriteByte(value)
(digital-read pin) <===> digitalRead(pin)
(delay howlong) <===> void delay(unsigned int howLong)
(pull-up-dn-control pin pud) <===> pullUpDnControl(pin,pud)
(pwm-set-mode 'pwm-mode-ms) <===> pwmSetMode(PWM_MODE_MS); or 'pwm-mode-bal -> PWM_MODE_BAL
(pwm-set-clock n) <===> pwmSetClock(n)
(pwm-set-range n) <===> pwmSetRange(n)
(pwm-write pin value) <===> pwmWrite(pin , value)

Following code is examples.

;;LED on/off

(defglobal pin 5)
(defglobal flag nil)

(defun test (n)
   (cond ((null flag) (wiringpi-setup-gpio)(setq flag t)))
   (pin-mode pin 'output)
   (for ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
        ((> i n) t)
        (digital-write pin 1)
        (delay 1000)
        (digital-write pin 0)
        (delay 1000)))

;;control servo moter.
;;SG90 Micro servo Digital 9g

(defun setup ()
  (cond ((null flag) (wiringpi-setup-gpio ) (setq flag t)))
  (pin-mode 18 'pwm-output)
  (pwm-set-mode 'pwm-mode-ms)
  (pwm-set-clock 400)
  (pwm-set-range 1024))

(defun test (n)
   (pwm-write 18 n))

Functions for debug
(trace fn1 fn2 ... fn)
(untrace fn1 fn2 ... fn) or (untrace)
Extended functions
(random n) random-integer from 0 to n
(random-real) random-float-number from 0 to 1
(gbc) invoke garbage collection.
(gbc t) display message when invoke GC.
(gbc nil) not display message when invoke GC.