
Back-office services for Queen

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



Back-office services for Queen
REST API for communication between Queen DB and Queen UI.


For building and running the application you need:

Install and excute unit tests

Use the maven clean and maven install

mvn clean install

Running the application locally

Use the Spring Boot Maven plugin like so:

mvn spring-boot:run

Application Accesses locally

To access to swagger-ui, use this url : http://localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui.html
To access to h2 console, use this url : http://localhost:8080/api/h2-console

Keycloak Configuration

  1. To start the server on port 8180 execute in the bin folder of your keycloak :
standalone.bat -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 (on Windows)

standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 (on Unix-based systems)
  1. Go to the console administration and create role investigator and a user with this role.

Database configuration

Queen-Back-Office manage 2 Database configurations : 1 - PostgreSQL database with JPA connectors 2 - MongoDb database It is possible to switch between both configurations via the following property:


It can take the 2 following values : MONGODB or JPA

Deploy application on Tomcat server

1. Package the application

Use the [Spring Boot Maven plugin] (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/build-tool-plugins-maven-plugin.html) like so:

mvn clean package

The war will be generate in /target repository

2. Install tomcat and deploy war

To deploy the war file in Tomcat, you need to : Download Apache Tomcat and unpackage it into a tomcat folder
Copy your WAR file from target/ to the tomcat/webapps/ folder

3. Tomcat config

Before to startup the tomcat server, some configurations are needed :

External Properties file

Create queenbo.properties or colemcobo.properties near war file and complete the following properties:

#Profile configuration

#Logs configuration

#Application configuration
fr.insee.queen.application.mode=noauth or basic or keycloak
fr.insee.queen.application.persistenceType = MONGODB or JPA

#Database configuration
fr.insee.queen.persistence.database.host = queen-db
fr.insee.queen.persistence.database.port = 5432
fr.insee.queen.persistence.database.schema = queen
fr.insee.queen.persistence.database.user = queen
fr.insee.queen.persistence.database.password = queen
fr.insee.queen.persistence.database.driver = org.postgresql.Driver

#Keycloak configuration


#Pilotage Api

#If true, checkHabilitation and getSuFromPilotage are not used to secure the endpoints

#Other claim to read roles from in token

External log file

Create log4j2.xml near war file and define your external config for logs.

4. Tomcat start

From a terminal navigate to tomcat/bin folder and execute

catalina.bat run (on Windows)
catalina.sh run (on Unix-based systems)

5. Application Access

To access to swagger-ui, use this url : http://localhost:8080/queen-1.1.1/swagger-ui.html
To access to keycloak, use this url : http://localhost:8180

Before you commit

Before committing code please ensure,
1 - README.md is updated
2 - A successful build is run and all tests are sucessful
3 - All newly implemented APIs are documented
4 - All newly added properties are documented


  • Campaign

    • GET /campaigns : get the campaign list
    • POST /campaigns : post a new campaign
    • POST /campaign/context : integrates the context of a campaign
    • DELETE /campaign/{id} : delete a campaign
  • Questionnaire

    • GET /questionnaire/{id} : get the questionnaire by his id
    • GET /campaign/{id}/questionnaires : get the list of model json
    • GET /campaign/{idCampaign}/questionnaire-id : id of the questionnaire associated to the campaign
    • POST /questionnaire-models : post a new questionnaire
  • SurveyUnit

    • GET /survey-unit/{id} : get survey-unit by id
    • GET /survey-unit/{id}/deposit-prof : get the deposit-proof of survey-unit by id
    • GET /campaign/{id}/survey-units : get the list of survey-unit of campaign id
    • PUT /survey-unit/{id} : update a survey-unit
    • POST /campaign/{id}/survey-unit : post a survey-unit for a campaign
    • DELETE /survey-unit/{id} : delete a survey-unit by id
  • Data

    • GET /survey-unit/{id}/data : get the data of reporting unit id
    • PUT /survey-unit/{id}/data : update the data of reporting unit id
  • Comment

    • GET /survey-unit/{id}/comment : get the comment of reporting unit id
    • PUT /survey-unit/{id}/comment : update the comment of reporting unit id
  • Nomenclatures

    • GET /campaign/{id}/required-nomenclatures : get the nomenclature of a campaign
    • GET /questionnaire/{id}/required-nomenclatures : get the nomenclature of a questionnaire
    • GET /nomenclature/{id} : get the nomenclature json
    • POST /nomenclature : post a new nomenclature
  • Personalization

    • GET /survey-unit/{id}/personalization : get the personalization of a survey-unit
    • PUT /survey-unit/{id}/personalization : put the personalization for a survey-unit
  • Metadata

    • GET /campaign/{id}/metadata : get the metadata by campaign Id
    • GET /questionnaire/{id}/metadata : get the metadata by questionnaire id
  • Paradata

    • POST /paradata : post the metadata of a campaign
  • StateData

    • GET /survey-unit/{id}/state-data : get the state-data of a survey-unit
    • PUT /survey-unit/{id}/state-data : put the state-data for a survey-unit
    • POST /survey-units/state-data : Get state-data for all survey-units defined in request body
  • DataSet

    • POST /create-dataset : Create dataset

Libraries used

  • spring-boot-jpa
  • spring-boot-security
  • spring-boot-web
  • spring-boot-tomcat
  • spring-boot-test
  • liquibase
  • h2 database
  • postgresql
  • junit
  • springfox-swagger2
  • hibernate
  • hibernate-types-52 (for jsonb type)
  • keycloak



Please check LICENSE file