OSC batch job post-mortem
First clone the app from GitHub:
git clone git@github.com:OSC/quincy.git
Then move to the newly created 'quincy' directory:
cd quincy
Then do an npm install for the outer Express.js wrapper in the 'quincy' directory:
scl enable rh-nodejs6 -- npm install
Then navigate to the 'public' directory where the Angular stuff resides and do another npm install:
cd public
scl enable rh-nodejs6 -- npm install
The TypeScript code is in the 'app' folder from here. Compile it to JavaScript with the following command:
scl enable rh-nodejs6 -- npm run tsc
Then navigate back up to the 'quincy' directory:
cd ..
Then add a 'mysql.config' file in that directory. This contains the information to connect to the pbsacct database. It must formatted in JSON. Example:
"host": "pbsacct.mycenter.edu",
"user": "dbuser",
"database": "pbsacctdb"
- 'app.js'
- Uses the JS 'mysql' module to connect to the database
- Reads database configuration 'mysql.config' as described above
- Sets some HTTP headers
- Defines the HTTP GET route '{BASE_URI}/job/:system/:id' for JSON
- Query: "select * from Jobs where jobid like {jid} and system={system}"
- jid: "{job id}.{system}%"
- system: owens, ruby, pitzer, oak
- Sends results back in JSON format
- Query: "select * from Jobs where jobid like {jid} and system={system}"
- Sets 'public' folder up for serving static assets
- Sets 'public/index.html' for the GET request above
- Starts HTTP server
- Uses the JS 'mysql' module to connect to the database
- 'public/index.html'
- Like layouts/application.html.erb in Rails in a sense
- 'public/app/'
- 'app.component.html', 'app.component.ts'
- Provides the search form
- Provides an authentication form if not authenticated
- Injects itself into index.html
- Limits dropdown values to:
Display Value Owens owens Oakley oak Ruby ruby Pitzer pitzer - Navigates to
on form submit
- 'job.component.html', 'job.component.ts'
- Defines a container for a Job
- Provides the table layout for the information about the job
- 'jobinfo.component.html', 'jobinfo.component.ts'
- Provides the layout for the Ganglia links at the bottom
- Shows an error message if the job was not found
- 'jobinfo.service.ts'
- Gets the nodes that were used in the job and generates the Ganglia links
- 'jobinfo.ts'
- Just a data structure to hold the Job itself, the nodes used, and the Ganglia URLs
- 'app.module.ts'
- Bundles a lot of the other components and modules together and exports them all as AppModule
- 'app-routing.module.ts'
- Routing stuff
- 'job.ts'
- Data structure for holding the job info that is shown in the table
- Class name is 'Job'
- 'main.ts'
- Bootstrap starts AppModule
- 'app.component.html', 'app.component.ts'
"jobid": "5260000.owens-batch.ten.osc.edu",
"system": "owens",
"username": "kyc0045",
"groupname": "PKS0016",
"account": "PKS0016",
"submithost": "owens-login04.hpc.osc.edu",
"jobname": "fourcthreetwo",
"nproc": 4,
"mppe": null,
"mppssp": null,
"nodes": "1:ppn=4",
"nodect": 1,
"ngpus": 0,
"feature": null,
"gattr": "PKS0016",
"gres": null,
"queue": "serial",
"qos": null,
"submit_ts": 1555190148,
"submit_date": "2019-04-13T04:00:00.000Z",
"eligible_ts": 1555190148,
"eligible_date": "2019-04-13T04:00:00.000Z",
"start_ts": 1555190198,
"start_date": "2019-04-13T04:00:00.000Z",
"end_ts": 1555192993,
"end_date": "2019-04-13T04:00:00.000Z",
"start_count": 1,
"cput_req": "00:00:00",
"cput_req_sec": 0,
"cput": "03:04:53",
"cput_sec": 11093,
"walltime_req": "24:00:00",
"walltime_req_sec": 86400,
"walltime": "00:46:35",
"walltime_sec": 2795,
"mem_req": "2000mb",
"mem_kb": 578888,
"vmem_req": null,
"vmem_kb": 4663420,
"energy": 0,
"software": null,
"hostlist": "o0543/1-4",
"exit_status": 0,
"script": "#!/bin/bash -l\n# Unified OSC submit filter $Revision: 1683 $, $Date: 2019-04-02 13:59:27 -0400 (Tue, 02 Apr 2019) $\n# ----- begin submit filter info -----\n# Time: 2019-04-13 17:15:48\n# User: kyc0045@owens-login04.hpc.osc.edu\n# Command: qsub /users/PKS0016/kyc0045/fourcthreetwo.script\n# Working directory: /users/PKS0016/kyc0045\n# ----- end submit filter info -----\n# ----- begin user-specified directives -----\n#\n#PBS -N fourcthreetwo\n#PBS -A PKS0016\n#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4\n#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00\n#PBS -l mem=2000mb\n#PBS -j eo\n#PBS -e fourcthreetwo.err\n\n# ----- end user-specified directives -----\n# ----- begin submit filter added directives -----\n#PBS -l gattr=PKS0016\n# ----- end submit filter added directives -----\n# ----- user-submitted script follows -----\ncd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n\nmodule load gaussian \n\ndos2unix fourcthreetwo.gjf\n\ng16 fourcthreetwo.gjf\n\n# format the chk file\nformchk fourcthreetwo.chk fourcthreetwo.fch\n\nmv fourcthreetwo.log fourcthreetwo.out\n\n",
"sw_app": "gaussian",
"contact": null