
It is rumored that Ugandans only know how to consume tools and not create them. Here is a curation of awesome tools built by Ugandans that can be used by anybody and from anywhere in the world.

A curation of awesome tools and projects built by Ugandan developers 🔥.

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1. Vaccination Centers

A simple web application showing COVID-19 vaccination and testing centers in Uganda. It uses OpenStreetMaps to show the different centers on a map of Uganda. It's written using Django, a Python web framework.


Link to Contribute to the project

Contribute here - https://github.com/stuartelimu/vaccination-centres

Here is the demo link: https://vaccination-centers.herokuapp.com

2. Windows Junk Cleaner Service

A Windows Service that automatically runs in the background of your Windows OS Device to routinely clean up Junk files & improve performance, without you having to do it manually every time.

Link: https://github.com/RonnieLutaro/Windows-Junk-Cleaner-Service

3. Community Hub

A complaint aggregation platform for complaints made by people in the community to the local government.

Link: https://community-hub-blue.vercel.app/

Contribution link : https://github.com/OSCA-Kampala-Chapter/community-hub

4. React-JS Media

The reactjs media is a react package with awesome HTMLMediaElements that are recreated into react components with a good looking UI and fast UX.

Documentation: https://cranom.vercel.app/reactjs-media

Contribution link : https://github.com/jim-junior/reactjs-media

5. Orbiton JS

A JavaScript library for building Browser User Interfaces

Link: https://orbiton.js.org/

Contribution link : https://github.com/Orbitonjs/orbiton

6. Django URL Shortener

A set of utils to build custom fully-functional URL Shortner in Django

Link: https://pypi.org/project/django-urlshortner/

Contribution link : https://github.com/jim-junior/django-urlshortner