- 2
buildvrt: add "common" value to "-resolution" argument
#11497 opened by dbaston - 1
ogr2ogr: projection / coordinate ordering options being ignored when converting GML to GeoJSON
#11491 opened by dodinh - 7
Postgres table names with special characters truncated when specifying the TABLES open option
#11486 opened by arredond - 1
TileDB test failure with tiledb 2.27 on Windows Conda
#11485 opened by rouault - 3
ogr2ogr: GML driver produces invalid XML for VSI GeoJSON input
#11484 opened by dodinh - 0
apps/gdalalg_XXXX: fix HELP_URL TODOs
#11481 opened by rouault - 0
"gdal" RFC 104 utility should advertize "gdal --version" and "gdal --formats [--json]" in its help message
#11360 opened by rouault - 9
CMAKE FindSFCGAL.cmake for libSFCGAL-osg.2.0.0
#11453 opened by chris-english - 2
Installation on windows fails
#11483 opened by AngRodrigues - 0
vsicurl: Clarify encoding requirements for alternate syntax
#11467 opened by netthier - 1
[3.10.0] fails to build with poppler 24.12.0
#11477 opened by tgurr - 0
- 1
#11466 opened by tomcardoso - 0
Consider supporting terminal progress commands (OSC9)
#11460 opened by nyalldawson - 1
PREDICTOR=2 is only supported with 8/16/32/64 bit samples
#11457 opened by pjonsson - 4
Implement projection and filter pushdown to Parquet
#11418 opened by sfkeller - 6
Wrong 404 not found
#11456 opened by jjimenezshaw - 0
unsafe read when the program call GDALAllRegister and GDALDestroyDriverManager in loop
#11447 opened by myBestLove - 3
ogr2ogr transfer relationships defined in geopackages
#11397 opened by ea-eriksson - 0
Use stricter typing for void* pTransformerArg
#11445 opened by rouault - 0
VRT processed dataset: automatically create output bands
#11430 opened by dbaston - 6
- 1
ogr2ogr with a PROJ pipeline fails when the source is a GeoPackage on GDAL 3.10.0
#11438 opened by MatthiasHinz - 2
Can I remove the CPL_CVSID macro?
#11433 opened by schwehr - 0
DXF Driver - Allow Setting of Units in Header
#11423 opened by KroniK907 - 6
GML / AIXM: ElevatedCurve is not parsed
#11425 opened by vlapra - 5
[CMake] Version check fails
#11315 opened by SunBlack - 4
Missing EPSG/ESRI codes since updating to GDAL 3
#11387 opened by rle-rsa - 5
ogrmerge doesn't support layer or dataset style tables
#11405 opened by jidanni - 0
Improve test coverage for GeoHEIF
#11417 opened by bradh - 0
COG Driver does not preserve extra samples tag
#11377 opened by lukas-juschka-pix4d - 0
Invalid search path when listing tables from hosted Postgres databases (like Supabase or Neon)
#11386 opened by arredond - 1
- 6
LVBAG driver skips features
#11354 opened by 01000011-01000010 - 8
gdalwarp odd antimeridian handling
#11400 opened by Plantain - 1
Adopt GPSBabel's "exclude" quick command-line toggle flag
#11407 opened by jidanni - 2
Unblock Google
#11398 opened by jidanni - 1
Abilty to not include CPLGetSymbol when not building plugins
#11332 opened by schwehr - 0
Code snippets in docs are broken
#11371 opened by lnicola - 0
gdal_contour fails when the GeoTIFF image has constant (or nearly constant) elevation
#11340 opened by madsvlad2 - 0
GTI stac-geoparquet driver assumes 'image' asset name
#11317 opened by scottyhq - 0
GDALOpen() / "gdal" utility should give hint when using a /vsiXXX archive prefix might help
#11361 opened by rouault - 0
autotest: revert openexr 3.3 workaround
#11353 opened by rouault - 4
Issue with COG Driver Not Recognized in (with Ubuntu 18.04 host)
#11350 opened by Mingliang-Liu - 1
GDAL fails to find newly created files in Google Cloud Store
#11351 opened by jzxu - 4
Doc: build warnings (->failures) on ReadTheDocs infra due to new example directive
#11330 opened by rouault - 3
GTI stac-geoparquet driver support for multiple band assets
#11321 opened by rbavery - 1
- 4
- 1
[CMake] PROJ 6 config mode doesn't work
#11313 opened by SunBlack