
Jenkins Job Gitizer - versioning instrument for Jenkins jobs

Primary LanguageShell


Wrapper around jenkins-job-builder (https://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder)


  • ./scripts Wrapping scripts
    • setup_environment.sh - setup dependencies for this project (require sudo)
    • setup_git_sync_target.sh - setup syncronization between git repo with jobs and jenkins instance
    • sync_jobs.sh - updates (creates) jobs on jenkins from yaml stored at DIR
    • validate_yaml.sh - validate *.yaml file structure
    • validate_jobs.sh - validate all jobs stored at DIR
    • ud_job.sh - update/delete job on remote Jenkins using yaml description
  • ./test_configs - configs for testing
    • jenkins.ini - config for mdbci project jenkins
  • ./test_jobs - example jobs
    • ./test_jobs/simplest_job/test_job.yaml - hello world parametrized job
    • ./test_jobs/includes/ - job where set of parameter values are stored at separated file


sudo ./scripts/setup_environment.sh

Copy ./test_configs/jenkins.ini.template to ./test_configs/jenkins.ini and put path to your Jenkins and its credentials to this file


Checking yaml validity

./scripts/validate_yaml.sh test_jobs/includes/jjb_parameter_set_defined_in_include.yaml

Updating job on server

./scripts/ud_job.sh test_configs/jenkins.ini update test_jobs/includes/jjb_parameter_set_defined_in_include.yaml
./scripts/ud_job.sh test_configs/jenkins.ini update test_jobs/template/jjb_project.yaml
./scripts/ud_job.sh test_configs/jenkins.ini update test_jobs/macros/jjb-macros.yaml

Job git syncing setup

./scripts/setup_git_sync_target.sh test_configs/jenkins.ini git@github.com:OSLL/jjg_example_job_repo.git

Job git syncing setup - manual

Prerequisites: JOBS_REPO_URL - git repository where job descriptions in yaml format are stored at "jobs" directory.

  1. Clone this repo localy, ensure that user by which jenkins is executed has enough rights for runnig scripts from the repo.
  2. Create jenkins account for performing jobs creation and update.
  3. Create ini file (test_configs/*.template) for jenkins account created previously.
  4. Ensure that repository JOBS_REPO_URL is accesseble from jenkins server.
  5. Run ./scripts/setup_git_sync_target.sh
./scripts/setup_git_sync_target.sh CONFIG JOBS_REPO_URL

If all steps are performed successfuly new target "Jobs_git_synchronization" should appear at jenkins server.