
Mechanism to show a user and country profile about the work on OSM notes.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Mechanism to show a user and country profile about the work on OSM notes. Also, it allows publishing a layer with the location of the opened and closed notes.

tl;dr - 5 minutes configuration

You just need to download or clone this project in a Linux server and configure the crontab to invoke the notes pulling. This example is for polling every 15 minutes:

*/15 * * * * ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/process/processAPINotes.sh && ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/dwh/ETL.sh

The configuration file contains the properties needed to configure this tool, especially the database and the Saxon JAR location.

Main functions

These are the main functions of this project.

  • Download the notes from the OSM Planet, and then keep data in sync with the main OSM database via API calls. This is configured with a scheduler (cron) and it does everything.
  • Updates the current country and maritime information.
  • Copy the note's data to another set of tables to allow the WMS layer publishing. This is configured via triggers on the database on the main tables.
  • Monitor the sync by comparing the daily Planet dump with the notes on the database. This is optional and can be configured daily with a cron.
  • Data warehouse for the notes data. This is performed with an ETL that takes the note's data and changes the structure to allow reports, which are used to publish the user and country profile. This is configured via a cron.
  • View the user or country's profile. This is a basic version of the report, to test from the command line.


The whole process takes several hours, even days to complete before the profile can be used for any user.

Notes initial load

  • 5 minutes: Downloading the countries and maritime areas.
    • This process has a pause between calls because the public Overpass turbo is restricted by the number of requests per minute. If another Overpass instance is used that does not block when many requests, the pause could be removed or reduced
  • 1 minute: Download the Planet notes file.
  • 4 minutes: Processing XML notes file, but this requires 6GB RAM for Saxon.
  • 12 minutes: Inserting notes into the database.
  • 5 minutes: Assign sequence to comments.
  • 5 minutes: Load text comments.
  • 5 hours: Locating notes in the appropriate country.
    • This DB process is in parallel with multiple threads.

WMS layer

  • 1 minute: creating the objects.

Notes synchronization

The synchronization process time depends on the frequency of the calls and the number of comment actions. If the notes API call is executed every 15 minutes, the complete process takes less than 2 minutes to complete.

ETL and datamarts population

  • 30 hours: Loading the ETL from main tables.
    • This process is parallel according to the number of years since 2013. However, not all years have the same number of notes.
  • 20 minutes: Preparing the countries' datamart.
  • 5 days: Preparing the users' datamart. This process is asynchronous, which means each ETL execution processes 500 users. This part analyzes the most active users first; then, all old users that have contributed with only one note. TODO parallelize

Note's stats

Notes' ids

  • 6 - 2013-04-24
  • 1 000 000 - 2017-05-18
  • 2 000 000 - 2019-11-18
  • 3 000 000 - 2022-01-06
  • 4 000 000 - 2023-11-24

Notes per year

  • 2013 - 93 499
  • 2014 - 199 813
  • 2015 - 196 632
  • 2016 - 343 099
  • 2017 - 409 407
  • 2018 - 374 443
  • 2019 - 392 408
  • 2020 - 423 444
  • 2021 - 497 559
  • 2022 - 493 232
  • 2023 - 533 245

Comments per year

  • 2013 - 183 809
  • 2014 - 412 582
  • 2015 - 425 287
  • 2016 - 651 678
  • 2017 - 898 289
  • 2018 - 807 806
  • 2019 - 874 127
  • 2020 - 927 141
  • 2021 - 1 066 639
  • 2022 - 1 093 186
  • 2023 - 1 259 911

Install prerequisites on Ubuntu

This is a simplified version of what you need to execute to run this project on Ubuntu.

# Configure the PostgreSQL database.
sudo apt -y install postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo su - postgres
psql << EOF

sudo apt -y install postgis
psql -d notes << EOF

# Tools to process the XML and convert it into CSV.
sudo apt -y install libxml2-utils
sudo apt install -y openjdk-18-jdk

mkdir ~/saxon
cd ~/saxon
wget -O SaxonHE11-4J.zip https://sourceforge.net/projects/saxon/files/Saxon-HE/11/Java/SaxonHE11-4J.zip/download
unzip SaxonHE11-4J.zip
export SAXON_CLASSPATH=~/saxon/

# Tools to process geometries.
sudo apt -y install npm
sudo npm install -g osmtogeojson

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get -y install gdal-bin

If you do not configure the prerequisites, each script validates the necessary components to work.

Cron scheduling

To run the notes database synchronization and the data warehouse process, you could configure the crontab like (crontab -e):

# Runs the API extraction each 15 minutes.
*/15 * * * * ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/process/processAPINotes.sh && ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/dwh/ETL.sh # For normal execution for notes database and data warehouse.

# Runs the boundaries update. Once a month.
0 0 0 * * ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/process/updateCountries.sh

# Runs the API extraction in debug mode, keeping all the generated files.
#*/15 * * * * export LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ; export SAXON_CLASSPATH=~/saxon/ && ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/process/processAPINotes.sh ; ~/OSM-Notes-profile/bin/dwh/ETL.sh # For detailed execution messages.

You can also configure the ETL at different times from the notes' processing. However, the notes' processing should be more frequent than the ETL, otherwise the ETL does not have data to process.

Components description

Configuration file

Before everything, you need to configure the database access and other properties under the next file:


You specify the database name and the user to access it.

Other properties are related to improving the parallelism to process the note's location, or to use other URLs for Overpass or the API.

Downloading notes

There are two ways to download OSM notes:

  • Recent notes from the planet (including all notes on the daily backup).
  • Near real-time notes from API.

These two methods are used in this tool to initialize the DB and poll the API periodically. The two mechanisms are used, and they are available under the bin directory:

  • processAPINotes.sh
  • processPlanetNotes.sh

However, to configure from scratch, you just need to call processAPINotes.sh.

If processAPINotes.sh cannot find the base tables, then it will invoke processPlanetNotes.sh and processPlanetNotes.sh --base that will create the basic elements on the database and populate it:

  • Download countries and maritime areas.
  • Download the Planet dump, validate it and convert it CSV to import it into the database. The conversion from the XML Planet dump to CSV is done with an XLST and it uses Saxon, which requires 6 GB RAM to process it.
  • Get the location of the notes.

If processAPINotes.sh gets more than 10,000 notes from an API call, then it will synchronize the database calling processPlanetNotes.sh following this process:

  • Download the notes from the planet.
  • Remove the duplicates from the ones already in the DB.
  • Process the new ones.
  • Associate new notes with a country or maritime area.

If processAPINotes.sh gets less than 10,000 notes, it will process them directly.

Note: If during the same day, there are more than 10,000 notes between two processAPINotes.sh calls, it will remain unsynchronized until the Planet dump is updated the next UTC day. That's why it is recommended to perform frequent API calls.

You can run processAPINotes.sh from a crontab every 15 minutes, to process notes almost in real-time.


You can export the LOG_LEVEL variable, and then call the scripts normally.


The levels are (case-sensitive):

  • INFO
  • WARN


The database has a different set of tables.

  • Base tables (notes and note_comments) are the most important holding the whole history. They don't belong to a specific schema.
  • API tables which contain the data for recently modified notes and comments. The data from these tables are then bulked into base tables. They don't belong to a specific schema, but a suffix.
  • Sync tables contain the data from the recent planet download. They don't belong to a specific schema, but a suffix.
  • WMS tables which are used to publish the WMS layer. Their schema is wms. They contain a simplified version of the notes with only the location and age.
  • dwh are the tables from the data warehouse to perform analysis on the DB. They are divided into 2: The star schema is composed of the fact and dimensions tables.
    • The datamarts which are precomputed views.
  • Check tables are used for monitoring to compare the notes on the previous day between the normal behavior with API and the notes on the last day of the Planet.


Some directories have their own README file to explain their content. These files include details about how to run or troubleshoot the scripts.

  • bin contains all executable scripts, and this directory contains the common functions invoked from other scripts.
  • bin/dwh provides the scripts to perform a transformation to a data warehouse and show the notes profile. It also includes the datamart load and a profile tester.
  • bin/monitor contains a set of scripts to monitor the notes database to validate it has the same data as the planet, and eventually send an email message with the differences.
  • bin/process has the main script to download the notes database, with the Planet dump and via API calls.
  • etc configuration file for many scripts.
  • json-schema schemas for JSON files.
  • lib libraries used in the project. Currently only a modified version of bash logger.
  • overpass queries to download data with Overpass for the countries and maritime boundaries.
  • sld files to format the WMS layer on the GeoServer.
  • sql contains most of the SQL statements to be executed in Postgres. It follows the same directory structure from /bin where the prefix name is the same as the scripts on the other directory. This directory also contains a script to keep a copy of the locations of the notes in case of a re-execution of the whole Planet process. And also the script to remove everything related to this project from the DB.
  • sql/dwh includes all scripts to perform the ETL operations on the database, including the datamarts' population.
  • sql/monitor scripts to check the notes database, comparing it with a Planet dump.
  • sql/process has all SQL scripts to load the notes database.
  • sql/wms provides the mechanism to publish a WMS from the notes. This is the only exception to the other files under sql because this feature is supported only on SQL scripts; there is no bash script for this. this is the only location of the files related to the WMS layer publishing.
  • test set of scripts to perform tests. This is not part of a Unit Test set.
  • xsd contains the structure of the XML documents to be retrieved - XML Schema. This helps validate the structure of the documents, preventing errors during the import from the Planet dump and API calls.
  • xslt contains all the XML transformations for the data retrieved from the Planet dump and API calls. They are used from processAPINotes.sh and processPlanetNotes.sh.

Saxon - XML XSLT processor

To run the scripts, it is necessary to have Saxon on the path. You can also specify the location by defining this environment variable in the crontab or the command line:

export SAXON_CLASSPATH=~/saxon/

This tool requires 6 GB in RAM to process the complete Notes files from Planet. We are looking for alternatives to process the XML notes files to create the flat files that are loaded in the Postgres database.


Periodically, you can run the following script to monitor and validate that executions are correct, and also that notes processing have not had errors: processCheckPlanetNotes.sh.

This script will create 2 tables, one for notes and one for comments, with the suffix _check. By querying the tables with and without the suffix, you can get the differences; however, it better works around 0h UTC when the OSM Planet file is published. This will compare the differences between the API process and the Planet data.

If you find many differences, especially for comments older than one day, it means the script failed in the past, and the best is to recreate the database with the processPlanetNotes.sh script. It is also recommended to create an issue in this GitHub repository, providing as much information as possible.

WMS layer

This is the way to create the objects for the WMS layer. More information is in the README.md file under the sql/wms directory.

psql -d notes -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/wms/prepareDatabase.sql

Dependencies and libraries

These are the external dependencies to make it work.

  • OSM Planet dump, which creates a daily file with all notes and comments. The file is an XML and it weighs several hundreds of MB of compressed data.
  • Overpass to download the current boundaries of the countries and maritimes areas.
  • OSM API which is used to get the most recent notes and comments. The current API version supported is 0.6.
  • The whole process relies on a PostgreSQL database. It uses intensive SQL action to have a good performance when processing the data.

The external dependencies are almost fixed, however, they could be changes from the properties file.

These are external libraries:

  • Bash 4 or higher, because the main code is developed in the scripting language.
  • Saxon for the XLST transformation. This tool is not included, to prevent licensing problems.
  • bash_logger, which is a tool to write log4j-like messages in Bash. This tool is included as part of the project.
  • Linux and its commands, because it is developed in Bash, which uses a lot of command line instructions.


You can use the following script to remove components from this tool. This is useful if you have to recreate some parts, but the rest is working fine.

# ETL part.
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/dwh/datamartCountries/datamartCountries-dropDatamartObjects.sql ;
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/dwh/datamartUsers/datamartUsers-dropDatamartObjects.sql ;
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/dwh/Staging_removeStagingObjects.sql ;
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/dwh/ETL_21_removeDWHObjects.sql ;

# WMS part.
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/wms/removeFromDatabase.sql ;

# Base part.
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/process/processPlanetNotes_11_dropSyncTables.sql ;
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/process/processPlanetNotes_12_dropApiTables.sql ;
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/process/processPlanetNotes_13_dropBaseTables.sql ;
psql -d notes -f ~/OSM-Notes-profile/sql/process/processPlanetNotes_14_dropCountryTables.sql ;


You can start looking for help by reading the README.md files. Also, you run the scripts with -h or --help. You can even take a look at the code, which is highly documented. Finally, you can create an issue or contact the author.


Andres Gomez (@AngocA) was the main developer of this idea. He thanks Jose Luis Ceron Sarria for all his help designing the architecture, defining the data modeling and implementing the infrastructure on the cloud.

Also, thanks to Martin Honnen who helped us improve the XSLT as in this thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74672609/saxon-out-of-memory-when-processing-openstreetmap-notes-file-from-planet?noredirect=1#comment131821658_74672609