
Table of Contents

  1. General Info
  2. Technologies
  3. Installation
  4. Collaboration
  5. FAQs

General Info

My Movie Watchlist is an interactive application; were the user can enter the title to a movie and get a list of movies that can then be sorted and saved to a watch list. This project is a collaboration between three students over the course of two weeks in a full stack bootcamp. At this point in our course we have just finished server side APIs. We have been given the following perameters to be successful in this project:

  • Use a CSS framwork other than Bootstrap
  • Be deployed to GitHub Pages
  • Be interactive
  • Use at least two server side APIs
  • Does not use alerts, confirms, or prompts
  • use client side storage to store persistent data.
  • Be responsive.
  • have a polished UI.
  • Have a clean repository that meets quality coding standards.
  • have a quality README. We chose Bulma as our framwork for CSS. It has worked for us but has been a challenge to learn in the two weeks. The two server side APIs are; The Open Movie Database , and The Movie Database API.


watchlist1 my-movie-watchlist2


A list of technologies used within the project:


$ git clone


  • mmgleave Michelle Gleave
  • OSSATMTeamjc18
  • BrianShearer


Check out the issues with the help wanted label. We suggest you look at the closed ones to get a sense of the kinds of issues you can tackle.