FastAPI Auth Middleware for Clerk
Easily setup authentication on your API routes using your Clerk JWKS endpoint.
pip install fastapi-clerk-auth
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from fastapi_clerk_auth import ClerkConfig, ClerkHTTPBearer, HTTPAuthorizationCredentials
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
app = FastAPI()
clerk_config = ClerkConfig(jwks_url="") # Use your Clerk JWKS endpoint
clerk_auth_guard = ClerkHTTPBearer(config=clerk_config)
async def read_root(credentials: HTTPAuthorizationCredentials | None = Depends(clerk_auth_guard)):
return JSONResponse(content=jsonable_encoder(credentials))
The returned credentials
model will either be of type None
or HTTPAuthorizationCredentials
. If the model is populated it will have the following properties:
- scheme
- Indicates the scheme of the Authorization header (Bearer)
- credentials
- Raw token received from the Authorization header
- decoded
- The payload of the decoded token
By default the middleware automatically returns 403 errors if the token is missing or invalid. You can disable that behavior by setting the following:
clerk_config = ClerkConfig(jwks_url="", auto_error=False)
This will allow requests to reach the endpoint for additional logic or error handling.