tensorflow 1.10.0
tensor2tensor 1.10.0
textblob 0.15.1
joblib 0.12.5
gensim 3.6.0
numpy 1.15.2
cleaned.txt: all lower case words, stop words removed
cd data/ # assuming data/ is empty
Download all of the files from this URL -- https://osu.box.com/s/eld6atk3y7m9923ael3ewkzmy22c3v08
python elmo.py \
--input data/cleaned_no_ids.txt
--output data/elmo_layers.hdf5
--options data/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_5.5B_options.json
--weights data/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_5.5B_weights.hdf5
--cuda_device -1
--batch_size 64
--only_get_npy # this is used when we already have the hdf5 file
Get word embeddings and labels
python pre_process.py -i cleaned.txt -m fast_text
# Options for -m: fast_text, word2vec.
# Options for -i: cleaned.txt (unigram), cleaned_phrase_embedded.txt (phrase)
python make_labels_neighbors.py -l data/labels_mc2 -i data/index2word_mc2 -t data/terms_mc2 -n 3
# compile
cd multisense_prob_fasttext
mkdir modelfiles
cd ..
export output=multisense_prob_fasttext/modelfiles/multi_seq2set_e10_d300_vs2e-4_lr1e-5_margin1
./multisense_prob_fasttext/multift skipgram \
-input "data/cleaned_1_line.txt" \
-output $output \
-lr 1e-5 -dim 300 \
-ws 10 -epoch 10 -minCount 1 -loss ns -bucket 2000000 \
-minn 3 -maxn 6 -thread 62 -t 1e-5 \
-lrUpdateRate 100 -multi 1 -var_scale 2e-4 -margin 1
python2 pft.py -i $output
Skip getting word embeddings:
- In
, set:
settings = {'sg': 1, 'size': 50, 'window': 4, 'min_count': 1, 'negative': 5, 'iter': 1}
adjust min_count accordingly.
- Run:
python pre_process.py -i cleaned.txt -m word2vec
python make_labels_neighbors.py -l $labels_path \
-i $index2word_path \
-t $terms_path \
Note: Document Encoder Model options
--model: options: DAN, LSTM, BiLSTM, BiLSTMATT, Transformer, doc2vec
python encode_and_inference.py \
--dropout=0.3 \
--num_epochs=100 \
--batch_size=128 \
--model=BiLSTMATT \
--loss_fn=sigmoid \
--word_vecs_path=data/word2vec_sg1_s300_w5_m2_n5_i15.npy \
--docs_path=data/docs_word_indices_mc2 \
--labels_path=data/labels_mc2 \
--doc_tfidf_reps_path=data/doc_tfidf_reps_mc2 \
--index2word_path=data/index2word_mc2 \
python encode_and_inference.py \
--model=doc2vec \
--word_vecs_path=data/word2vec_sg1_s300_w5_m2_n5_i15.npy \
--docs_path=data/docs_word_indices_mc2 \
--labels_path=data/labels_mc2 \
--doc_tfidf_reps_path=data/doc_tfidf_reps_mc2 \
--index2word_path=data/index2word_mc2 \