Disapointed by the lack of good network apis in android / java I developed a collection of handy networking tools for everyday android development.
- Ping
- Port Scanning
- Subnet tools (find devices on local network)
- Wake-On-Lan
- & More :)
The sample app is published on Google play to allow you to quickly and easier test the library. Enjoy! And please do feedback to us if your tests produce different results.
This library is not yet released in Maven Central, until then you can add as a library module or use JitPack.io
add remote maven url
repositories {
maven {
url "https://jitpack.io"
then add a library dependency. Remember to check for latest release here
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.stealthcopter:AndroidNetworkTools:0.1.2'
Requires internet permission (obviously...)
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Uses the native ping binary if avaliable on the device (some devices come without it) and falls back to a TCP request on port 7 (echo request) if not.
// Synchronously
PingResult pingResult = Ping.onAddress("").setTimeOutMillis(1000).doPing();
// Asynchronously
Ping.onAddress("").setTimeOutMillis(1000).setTimes(5).doPing(new Ping.PingListener() {
public void onResult(PingResult pingResult) {
Note: If we do have to fall back to using TCP port 7 (the java way) to detect devices we will find significantly less than with the native ping binary. If this is an issue you could consider adding a ping binary to your application or device so that it is always avaliable.
A simple java based TCP port scanner, fast and easy to use.
// Synchronously
ArrayList<Integer> openPorts = PortScan.onAddress("").setPort(21).doScan();
// Asynchronously
PortScan.onAddress("").setTimeOutMillis(1000).setPortsAll().doScan(new PortScan.PortListener() {
public void onResult(int portNo, boolean open) {
if (open) // Stub: found open port
public void onFinished(ArrayList<Integer> openPorts) {
// Stub: finished scanning
Note: If you want a more advanced portscanner you should consider compiling nmap into your project and using that instead.
Sends a Wake-on-Lan packet to the IP / MAC address
String ipAddress = "";
String macAddress = "01:23:45:67:89:ab";
WakeOnLan.sendWakeOnLan(ipAddress, macAddress);
Other useful methods:
String ipAddress = "";
String macAddress = ARPInfo.getMacFromArpCache(ipAddress);
It's a standard gradle project.
I welcome pull requests, issues and feedback.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request