
a TMA template

Primary LanguageTeX

see https://github.com/OU-TMA for link to the offical TMA.sty published by The Open University



a TMA template


I don't believe this is an 'Official' Open University LaTeX package.

Installation (macOS)

This is how I installed it on OSX 10.9.4 after I had installed MacTEX-2014

$ mkdir ~/Library/texmf/
$ mkdir ~/Library/texmf/tex
$ mkdir ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex
$ mv tma.sty ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex
$ open ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex
$ mkdir ~/Library/texmf/doc
$ mkdir ~/Library/texmf/doc/tma
$ mv notes.pdf ~/Library/texmf/doc/tma
$ mv notes.tex ~/Library/texmf/doc/tma
$ mv SampleTMA.pdf ~/Library/texmf/doc/tma
$ mv SampleTMA.tex ~/Library/texmf/doc/tma

I also put SampleTMA.tex and notes.tex in template folders

For TeXwoks ~/Library/TeXworks/templates/My Templates

For TeXShop in both ~/Library/TeXShop/Stationery and ~/Library/TeXShop/Templates

Note - I tried putting texmf in ~ (~/texmf) first, which would work on Linux or another Unix, but OSX 10.9 required 'texmf' to be in /Library folder (/Library/texmf).