
A server to running AI battle of Pentago

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Pentago AI Battle Server


Pentago is a two-player perfect information game. Pentago AI Battle Server is a tool for running AI battle of Pentago. The tool communicates with the AI agents via stdin and stdout.


Write your AI client

Write your AI client and make the executable.

For example, use sample AI clinet sample_ai/random.cpp and compile it:

g++ ./sample_ai/randome.cpp -o ai_sample.out

Run the server program

To execute AI battle, use the following command:

ruby pentago_battle.rb [options] NAME1 CMD1 NAME2 CMD2

Required Arguments

  • NAME1: the first player's name
  • CMD1: the command to execute the first player's AI client
  • NAME2: the second player's name
  • CMD2: the command to execute the second player's AI client

Optional Arguments

  • -t, --time: Maximum time to compute (ms)
  • --log FILE : Logging a battle to the FILE. If this option is omitted, logging to STDOUT.


ruby pentago_battle.rb --time 60000 Alice ./ai_sample.out Bob ./ai_sample.out

Rules of the Game

Pentago is played on a 6x6 board composed of four 3x3 sub-boards. Two players alternate turns. Each turn, the player places a stone in an empty cell and rotate one of the sub-boards by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise. The goal of each player is to get five stones in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Input and Output

Initialize Input

When the game is beginning, you will be given an input in the following format:

[ W ]
[ H ]
[ id ]

where W is the width of the board (always 6), H is the height of the board (always 6) and id is your id in the game (0 is for the first player, 1 is for the second player).

Input for one game turn

Each your game turn, you will be given an input:

[ turn ]
[ time ]
[ cell(0, 0) ][ cell(1, 0) ] ... [ cell(5, 0) ]
[ cell(0, 1) ][ cell(1, 1) ] ... [ cell(5, 1) ]
[ cell(0, 5) ][ cell(1, 5) ] ... [ cell(5, 5) ]

where turn is the turn number (one-based) and time is the remaining computation time in milliseconds. The state of the game board is given as a matrix of letters cell(x, y). If cell(x, y) is '-', it means that the cell is empty. If cell(x, y) is 'o', it means that the first player's stone is placed on the cell. And if cell(x, y) is 'x', it means that the second player's stone is placed on the cell.

Output for one game turn

[ put_x ] [ put_y ] [ rotate_idx ] [ rotate_direction ]


Here is an example of initialize input for the first player:


Here is an example of input for one gmae turn:


Here is an exmaple of output for one game turn:

3 4 3 1


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.