data about countries from
country population, area, language, borders, currency, timezone, capital, denonyms...
- "what is the size of portugal"
- "what are the borders of portugal"
- "what is the capital of portugal"
- "what is the currency of portugal"
- "what is the language of portugal"
- "what is the population of portugal"
- "what is the timezone of portugal"
- "what are the people that live in portugal called"
- "where is portuguese spoken"
- "where is portugal located at"
- "how many countries do you know about"
- "what are the countries in europe"
- "use units when speaking country area
- "fix timezone spellings to use natural language
- better region matching
- use .dialog files everywhere, currently country lists are lazy responses
- websettings for mapstyle
- improve requirements handling, cartopy is optional for gui