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📝 Table of Contents


Welcome to this repository, in this case, you must follow the next headlines to should be successful. The topics for this chapter are:

  • Commits
  • Switching about branches
  • Make rebase
  • The use of cherry pick
  • Solve conflicts when merging two branches with the same modifications on the file.


As a developer and expert on Git and GitHub, you were assigned to create and modify a file .md on a remote repository. For following the best practices, you need to organize and perform this challenge by using GitFlow.

Note: For all your commits you must use conventional commits rules


  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Clone the repository on your local machine

Initial Repo

Then, add username and email in your git config local for this repository

Git configuration

  1. Create a new branch called develop

  2. Move to develop branch

    I. Create a file called, and add some description on this (maybe your name or something else).

    II. Save and commit the changes

Add md file

  1. Create a new branch called feature1

    I. Add a one subtitle and a link reference to on file.

    II. Save and commit the changes.

    III. Add a second subtitle and some text to file and commit (task 1)

    IV. Add a subtitle 3 and text to and commit (task 2)

    V. Add a subtitle 4 and text to and commit (task 3)

    VI. Join the 3 previous commits into one

    Description of homework

  2. Now, move to develop branch and you must create a new branch called feature2 and move into them

    I. Add other subtitle and a image into

    II. Save and commit the changes

    Description of homework

  3. Merges

    I. Go to develop branch and merge with feature1

    II. Then merge with feature2 and solve possible conflicts.

    Description of homework

  4. Create a new branch called feature3 from develop branch

    I. Create a new markdown file.

    II. Add some content on the new file created.

    III. Create a commit into this branch.

    IV. Use cherry pick to move the commit into develop branch.

    Postgres logo

  5. Do a git reflog

    I. Take a screenshot of the result.

    II. Attach the screenshot to the main directory of the repository.

    III. Do commit before pushing your changes.

  6. Push all the new branchs into the repository

  7. Make a PR from develop to the initial repository that you fork initially

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