Given JSON-like content, The JSON Sanitizer converts it to valid JSON.
- 0
Any plan for new version release?
#32 opened by Yannis-01 - 4
Json Sanitization for C#
#19 opened by neerajknextgen - 11
- 0
- 0
- 4
Support java.io.InputStream
#18 opened by markthagan - 3
- 0
Support CharSequence Sanitisation
#25 opened by dansiviter - 1
- 2
Sanitizer not removing <script> from input
#27 opened by urikjaro - 2
- 0
Open source license
#15 opened by fsiddiqi - 5
JsonSanitizer.sanitize(jsonString) usage
#14 opened by lxdv163 - 2
- 0
- 3
- 21
sanitizer strips part of the value when the value contains a forward slash
#4 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
Two examples - shouldn't it sanitize this?
#5 opened by wisechoice - 2
Issue with documentation/running
#2 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
- 5
Issue with documentation/running
#1 opened by GoogleCodeExporter