
Add Czech Translation

cpholguera opened this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for translating the MASVS and the Checklists!

First of all fork the project and git clone it to your laptop.


  1. Create a new branch, e.g. czech-translation
  2. Copy the content of the original Document/ and rename it to Document-cz/.
  3. Commit & push.
  4. Modify the metadata.md file with the metadata of the new language.
  5. Translate all files in the folder.
  6. Open a Pull Request.

If you have any questions or difficulties please let us know. Are you on slack?

You can create an OWASP Slack account here: https://owasp.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-g398htpy-AZ40HOM1WUOZguJKbblqkw#//

And then join our channel here: https://owasp.slack.com/messages/project-mobile_omtg/details/

Or just write to "Carlos" or "Sven", or both :)

Hi @justmishka, how are you? Do you have any news on this? We're looking forward to having your translation ☺️

That's great, thanks a lot for the update @justmishka. I wish you the best for your master thesis!

Hi @justmishka, I hope everything's going well for you. Do you have anything new on the translation? Thanks!