The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is the industry standard for mobile app security.
- 0xairheadclose
- 1ultimat3Berlin, DE
- bgrrttMighty/@mightyinthemidwest
- boh
- boosZurich, Switzerland
- bugwranglerbug.wrangler@outlook.com
- Churro
- circlehkHong Kong
- commjoenNL
- danmx@nebius
- FilipposM@Hackcraft-Labs
- gaurav9991
- ghuff07Fairfax, VA
- GrumpySnowWhiteGrumpy Inc.
- Hawk0pYangon, Myanmar
- ikozLondon, UK
- ironsteelPlovdiv/Bulgaria
- lightangel1412
- martijnhazebroek
- MaximeFrancoeurCanada
- muellerberndt@ConsenSys
- MurthysagiSr. Security Consultant
- n0x00[TGHC]
- namishelex01Tallinn
- nelenkov
- netcorpsnetcorps GmbH
- ngkogkosNone
- opt9
- rajivvishwa
- ryanbaxendale@CenturionInfoSec
- sushi2kAustria
- suzukiengPixelverse GmbH
- testrockytesting
- truist
- Veve2
- Zlip792Pakistan