
Allow override of default GitHub buttons

bkimminich opened this issue · 5 comments

Right now each page shows the "Likes" and "Followers" of the website repository, e.g. for Juice Shop that of https://github.com/OWASP/www-project-juice-shop:


It would be better to introduce a new optional Jekyll variable like github which can be set to the project/chapter main repository URL. For Juice Shop that would be https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop and yield a much more impressive:


The GitHub buttons should use this URL and fall back to the website repo if github is not specified.

How can we help make this happen?

I'm not good with the inner workings of Jekyll, but it should be nothing more than:

  1. Introduce a page (or better: site) variable like githubCodeRepo
  2. Change
    <iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=owasp&repo={{ site.github.repository_name }}&type=star&count=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>
    <iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=owasp&repo={{ site.github.repository_name }}&type=watch&count=true&v=2" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>
    so that this githubCodeRepo is used when it exists...
  3. ...but otherwise the page repo is used

@hblankenship could we do it like this? (If so I'll open a PR)

 <div class="github-buttons">
  <iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=owasp&repo={{ site.github.code_repo | default: site.github.repository_name }}&type=star&count=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>
  <iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=owasp&repo={{ site.github.code_repo | default: site.github.repository_name }}&type=watch&count=true&v=2" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>

Edit: I guess we would also have to provide the option to override and default user, since not all code repos are within owasp. But that'd be handled the same way, so let me know.

This ended up being implemented as

<iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user={{ site.code_user | default: 'owasp' }}&repo={{ site.code_repo | default: site.github.repository_name }}&type=star&count=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user={{ site.code_user | default: 'owasp' }}&repo={{ site.code_repo | default: site.github.repository_name }}&type=watch&count=true&v=2" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170px" height="20px"></iframe>

The _config.yml change needed for each project would be like https://github.com/OWASP/www-project-zap/blob/381b3432e3722fc49b330edad16a4af37e83e539/_config.yml#L3-L5:

#override default star and watch buttons
code_user: zaproxy
code_repo: zaproxy