Payment-Module for Payment-Provider Telecash.
- b-7.1.x branch / v1.x version - compatible with OXID eShop compilation 7.1.x and the respective branch
Twig only! (eg. no Smarty Support anymore)
- ...
- ...
You'll need:
- Github Token (Replace
with your token) - Github Username + Password (will be asked during installation. You can use the same token again)
- Docker
! Note: This approach is partly based on private OXID recipes, which are accessible only by OXID staff, or if you were granted permission !
For the initial setup of the development environment, you can use the following command:
echo telecash && git clone $_ && cd $_ && \
git clone https://<YOUR TOKEN HERE> recipes/oxid-esales-private && \
chmod +x ./recipes/oxid-esales-private/module-telecash/b-7.1.x-ee-telecash-twig-dev/ && \
This will create a folder telecash
in your current directory, compile and start the Docker containers, and run the Shop v7.1 Setup.
A demo database will be installed and the shop is configured to run on https://localhost.local
You might need a new entry in your hosts
file to route this domain: localhost.local
An admin account will be created: / admin
This module is in working state and can be directly installed via composer:
composer require oxid-solution-catalysts/telecash-module
./vendor/bin/oe-eshop-doctrine_migration migrations:migrate osc_telecash
and activate the module.
Check the scripts
section in the composer.json of the module to get more insight of
preconfigured quality tools available. Example:
$ composer phpcs
$ composer phpstan
$ composer phpmd
- install this module into a running OXID eShop
- run
composer update
in module root directory
$ cd vendor/oxid-solution-catalysts/telecash-module
$ composer update
After this done, check the "scripts" section of module composer.json
file to see how we run tests.
$ composer tests-unit
$ composer tests-integration
$ composer tests-codeception
NOTE: From OXID eShop 7.0.x on database reset needs to be done with this command (please fill in your credentials)
$ bin/oe-console oe:database:reset --db-host=mysql --db-port=3306 --db-name=example --db-user=root --db-password=root --force
- add cypress.yaml to your docker-compose.yaml:
image: cypress/included:latest
working_dir: /var/www/extensions/telecash/tests/e2e
- ./source/extensions/telecash:/var/www/extensions/telecash:cached
- /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
- CYPRESS_baseUrl=https://oxidshop.local
- "5920:5900" # VNC port
command: cypress open
condition: service_started
condition: service_started
entrypoint: [ "npx", "cypress", "run", "--config-file", "/var/www/vendor/oxid-solution-catalysts/telecash-module/tests/e2e/cypress.config.js" ]
Then run
docker compose up cypress
Run shell script from the host, from the same . where docker-compose.yml is located on the host or on the github with the following command:
- In case of issues / bugs, use "Issues" section on github, to report the problem.
- Join our community forum
- Use the contact form
In case you have any complaints, suggestions, business cases you'd like an example for please contact us. Pull request are also welcome. Every feedback we get will help us improve.
- Torsten Petersdorf ( from Checkdomain GmbH for his API client, which we use as a base for our development.