
extension for the admin interface of the oxid eshop

== Title ==
Easy Admin Modul

== Author ==
Mathias Fiedler

== Prefix ==

== Version ==

== Link ==

== Mail ==

== Description ==
This modules improves the extensibility of the OXID eShop admin. 
It introduces a new smarty plugin called mude_easy_admin_config_input. It can be used in every config templates (e.g.shop_config.tpl) with a view class based on shop_config.
It will create a element for user input of an oxconfig value.
Possible calls are:
$sSetting -> the id under which the value will be stored in the DB, also 2 Lang constants are needed: CONFIG_$sSetting and HELP_$sSetting
[{mude_easy_admin_config_input name=$sSetting type="checkbox"}] --> checkbox
[{mude_easy_admin_config_input name=$sSetting type="select" options=$oElement->options}] --> select element with options as array ID -> value
[{mude_easy_admin_config_input name=$sSetting type="text"}] --> text field input
[{mude_easy_admin_config_input name=$sSetting type="array"}] --> textarea box for an OXID config array element
All files called "config.xml" in subfolder of "modules" directory will be parsed. Have a look at "example_config.xml" in installation folder.
A new Tab in Master Settings -> Core Settings should appear.

== Extends ==

== Instalation ==
copy the contents of the folder "copy_this" to shop root.
empty "tmp" directory

== Modules ==

== Libraries ==