The PackageTracker-module gives you the ability to add a tracking-URL to each deliveryset. It takes the tracking-ID you can enter at each order an parses it into the tracking-URL, replacing the placeholder '[##TRKID##]'.
Originally Registered: 2010-02-25 by Andreas Hofmann on former OXIDforge
- This file is part of the "PackageTracker"-module.
- The PackageTracker-module gives you the ability to add a tracking-URL to each
- deliveryset. It takes the tracking-ID you can enter at each order an parses it into
- the tracking-URL, replacing the placeholder '[##TRKID##]'.
- @link
- @package packagetracker
- @copyright (C) Andreas Hofmann 2010,
- @version 1.0 */
To save a tracking-URL per deliveryset, you have to expand the oxdeliveryset-table by one field. Take the SQL-query saved in the ptdeliveryset.sql-file that you should have received with these files, execute it on your database and you should be fine.
You also have to edit the templates to display the tracking-URL there. The linenumbers are based on the standard-oxid files.
out/admin/tpl/deliveryset_main.tpl (Admin interface for adding/editing a deliveryset): Insert between lines 50 and 51:
out/basic/tpl/account_order.tpl (The order-overview in the customerarea): Place comment-brackets before line 54 and insert this code after it:
out/basic/tpl/email_sendednow_html.tpl (The HTML-email that the package is out for delivery): Insert this code between lines 23 and 24:
[{ if $order->oxorder__oxtrackcode->value }]
[{ assign var="deliveryset" value=$order->getDelSet() }]
[{ oxmultilang ident="EMAIL_SENDEDNOW_HTML_YOUCANTRACK" }]: [{ oxmultilang ident="EMAIL_SENDEDNOW_HTML_TRACKLINK" }]
[{ /if }]
out/basic/tpl/email_sendednow_plain.tpl (The plaintext-email that the package is out for delivery): Insert this code at line 18:
[{ if $order->oxorder__oxtrackcode->value }] [{ assign var="deliveryset" value=$order->getDelSet() }] [{ oxmultilang ident="EMAIL_SENDEDNOW_HTML_YOUCANTRACK" }]: [{ $deliveryset->getTrackingUrl($order->oxorder__oxtrackcode->value) }] [{ /if }]
Finally you have to add a few lines to the language files:
out/admin/de/cust_lang.php: Insert at the end of the file (maybe you have to add a comma before the first line):
'DELIVERYSET_TRACKING_URL' => 'Tracking-URL', 'EMAIL_SENDEDNOW_HTML_YOUCANTRACK' => 'Sie können Ihr Paket über diesen Link verfolgen', 'EMAIL_SENDEDNOW_HTML_TRACKLINK' => 'Zur Paketverfolgung'
out/admin/de/help_lang.php: Insert at the end of the file (maybe you have to add a comma before the first line):
'HELP_DELIVERYSET_TRACKINGURL' => 'Bei Tracking-URL können Sie die URL angeben, die beim Logistikpartner zur Paketverfolgung verwendet wird. In der URL können Sie den Platzhalter [##TRKID##] unterbringen, für den dann die bei der Bestellung angegebene Tracking-ID eingefügt wird.',
That's it! And to give you a start, I found out some Tracking URLs you can use:
(German) DHL:[##TRKID##] DPD:[##TRKID##] Hermes:[##TRKID##] UPS:[##TRKID##] USPS:[##TRKID##]