
RealPython tricks collection

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repo records some tricks from RealPython and some notes based on commands used in tricks.

Trick list:

Tricks Notes
0. merge_dictionaries.ipynb How to merge dictionary in Python
1. multiple_flags_once.ipynb Different ways to test multiple flags at once in Python
2. start_dict_by_value.ipynb How to sort a Python dict by value
3. get_in_dictionary.ipynb The get() method on dicts
4. using_namedtuples.ipynb Use Namedtuples to replace a class defining
5. import_this.ipynb the Zen of Python
6. pack_unpack.ipynb Function arguments pack and unpack in Python
7. timeit.ipynb Use timeit to measure execution time
8. is_vs_==.ipynb is VS == in Python
9. collection.Counter.ipynb Use collection.Counter()