Real Estate Management System

This is a Real Estate Management System developed using PHP and MySQL. This system allows users to manage properties, clients, and transactions efficiently.


  • Property Listings: Add, edit, delete, and view properties.
  • Client Management: Manage client information and interactions.
  • Transaction Records: Keep track of property transactions.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration system.
  • Dashboard: Overview of the real estate operations.


  • WampServer
  • Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)


Step 1: Install WampServer

  1. Download WampServer from the official website.
  2. Follow the installation instructions and install WampServer on your machine.

Step 2: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine

Step 3: Copy Files to WampServer

  1. Copy the cloned repository folder into the www directory of WampServer. By default, this directory is located at C:\wamp64\www\.

Step 4: Import the SQL Database

  1. Start WampServer and ensure that the server is running.
  2. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
  3. Log in to phpMyAdmin (the default username is root with no password).
  4. Create a new database for the project. For example, name it real_estate_db.
  5. Select the newly created database and click on the "Import" tab.
  6. Click on "Choose File" and select the SQL file located in the database folder of the cloned repository.
  7. Click "Go" to import the database.

Step 5: Run the Project

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Enter the following URL in the address bar: http://localhost/real-estate-management.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. You should see the login page of the Real Estate Management System.


Login Page Dashboard Property Listing


  • Login/Register: Start by logging in or registering a new account.
  • Dashboard: Use the dashboard to navigate through different sections of the application.
  • Manage Properties: Add, edit, delete, and view property details.
  • Manage Clients: Add, edit, delete, and view client information.
  • Transactions: Record and view property transactions.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.