
Hi!, welcome to my repository. The Vehicle Management System(VMS) project was created to manage vehicles and their trip information of a carrental business. It contains features as managing vehicles, drivers, trips and expenses. This is an great system for managing car renting business owners. Hope you like it :)

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


It is good to have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap to understand this project.

We will use XAMP server as it has cross-platform support and we won't be needed to worry about the operating system support. Download and install suitable XAMP server from this link -

Setting up the environment

  • Download and extract project source code on your local machine.
  • Paste the source code in the htdocs folder. Default path will be here("C:\xampp\htdocs")
  • Open XAMP Control Panel and start Apache & MySQL service
  • Open your web browser and paste this link ("http://localhost/phpmyadmin/"). It should open database server page.
  • Create new empty database named carrental. Select the carrental database and import the SQL file given with the source code.
  • Review the config file from both of the includes folders. Change username and password accordingly.
  • Open your web browser and paste this link ("http://localhost/foldername-in-htdocs-directory/"). It should open login page.
  • Use any credentials from database to login. The password for all accounts is set to 12345

Thank you for reading !