Atomic Desktop built on Fedora Atomic Desktops and Secureblue with BlueBuild
For more info, check out the BlueBuild and Secureblue
- Added ShowMeTheKey for keyboard testing
- Apple SuperDrive udev rule (requires sg3_utils package)
- IntelOneMono NF, JetBrainsMonoNF, and Roboto installed
- Dotfiles slipped in with Chezmoi
- Brew for cli apps
- Fish used as interacrive shell (set through terminal emulator settings)
- Gnome configuration, including Tiling Assistant extension
- Hardened Chromium from Secureblue as main browser
Warning This is my personal image, which I manage for myself. You may copy from or use this repo, but I will offer no support or guarantee of functionality.
To rebase an existing Silverblue/Kinoite installation to the latest build:
- First rebase to the unsigned image, to get the proper signing keys and policies installed:
rpm-ostree rebase
- Reboot to complete the rebase:
systemctl reboot
- Then rebase to the signed image, like so:
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://
- Reboot again to complete the installation
systemctl reboot
This repository builds date tags as well, so if you want to rebase to a particular day's build:
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://