It's a React project for exchange currencies
and use a currency to know all exchange rates
for specific currency against all available currencies we have,
project is for HYF to graduate from React module
Click here to try Demo. It's deployed on Netlify website
1- to clone it on your PC >> open your cli in (e.g. Desktop) path and execute this code
git clone
cd mix-app
npm i
then in the root project folder mix-app
you have to create .env
file and put your own api key from this exchange money API website
and use this variable name exactly REACT_APP_EXCHANGE_RATE_APIKEY=_your API key>_
Don't use any spaces never ever 😅
Note: you have to make your own account if you don't have ((( it's free ))).
Then it's ready to use.
Simply go to your CLI in the root folder of project mix-app
and execute
npm start
It will open automatically the project on your browser on http://localhost:3000/
in this project I followed xe website's style, I tried to use same colors and buttons and every thing as possible and put my own touch 😉
For exchanging currencies I used ExchangeRate-api website.
For getting flags by currency I used react-currency-flags npm.
You can find more useful websites I used in the Footer
mix-app (root directory)
| images (images for readme file only)
| .gitignore
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| |index.html
| |favicon.ico
| setupTests.js
| index.js
| App.jsx
| |
| |_____Header
| | |Header.jsx
| | |Nav.jsx
| |
| |_____inputs
| | |CurrencyList.jsx
| | |Input.jsx
| | |SubmitButton.jsx
| |
| |_____converter
| | |Converter.jsx
| | |ConverterForm.jsx
| | |ConverterHistory.jsx
| | |HistoryLine.jsx
| |
| |_____rates
| | |Rates.jsx
| | |RatesForm.jsx
| |
| |_____footer
| | |Footer.jsx
| | ConverterContext.js
| | useFetchCurrencyData.js
|_____ style
| | App.css
| | header.css
| | converter.css
| | rates.css
| | footer.css
| | logo.png
| | header-img01.jpg
- App should have a list of the available currencies.
- User should be able to choose the currency to compare exchange rates with all currencies.
- User should be able to compare between specific two currencies.
- User should be able to go to home screen from every page e.g. by clicking the logo.
- User should see if there is any error happened.
- User should see that it's loading while doing operation
- User can switch the pair of currencies to see the opposite rate of the same pair of currencies.
- User can see history of his exchange rate requests and delete it.
- put animation from different sections
please feel free to use issues and we gonna answer as soon as possible