
This is a website where an individual can see the neighbourhood, sorrounding businesses and even health centers. He/she can also post what he wants

Primary LanguagePython

Neighbourhood App

Author: Kelvinrono


This is an application where users are able to see their neighbours who are around, find businesses and even the health centers around As a user of the web application you will be able to:

  1. create and update their profile
  2. Update the neighbourhood location
  3. see the emergencies and health centers around
  4. See other neighbours who are around

Setup and installations

  • Clone Project to your machine
  • Activate a virtual environment on terminal: source virtual/bin/activate
  • Install all the requirements found in requirements file.
  • On your terminal run python3.8 manage.py runserver
  • Access the live site using the local host provided

Getting started


  • python3.8
  • virtual environment
  • pip

Clone the Repo and rename it to suit your needs.

git clone https://github.com/kelvinrono/neighbour

Initialize git and add the remote repository

git init
git remote add origin <your-repository-url>

Create and activate the virtual environment

python3.8 -m venv virtual
source virtual/bin/activate

Install dependancies

Install dependancies that will create an environment for the app to run pip install -r requirements.txt

Make and run migrations

python3.8 manage.py check
python manage.py makemigrations news
python3.8 manage.py sqlmigrate news 0001
python3.8 manage.py migrate

Run the app

python3.8 manage.py runserver

Open localhost:8000

Testing the Application

python3.8 manager.py tests

Built With


This project is under the MIT licence