
Create Users on a Samba LDAP with samba-tool from CSV files.

Primary LanguageShell

Samba LDAP User Creator

Create users and add them to groups from CSV file with the samba-tool command

What do you need?

You will need a linux machine set up with samba-ldap and root access.

How you do it:

  1. Download the script with wget or the whole repo with the git command
  2. Make the script executable with chmod +x create-user.sh for the user script or chmod +x create-group.sh for the group script
  3. Run the script with either ./create-user.sh <path to csv-file> for the user script or ./create-group.sh <path to csv-file> for the group script.

CSV formatting

Note that the seperators and order of columns can be changed in the script.

CSV for group script


CSV for user script

Note that groups in this CSV must already exist, they will not be added if they don't exist!
