
OpenTelemetry community content

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


OpenTelemetry community content.


We are on gitter.

Community Meetings

We host monthly community video conferences, alternating between times that work for Europe and Asia. These meetings are open to all contributors!

Meeting invites can be accessed from our public Calendar (web, gCal, iCal), and we keep public notes in the agenda document available here.

Special Interest Groups

We organize the community into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in order to improve our workflow and more easily manage a community project.



Regular sync up will be held initially weekly - every Tuesday at 9 AM PST.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

[+1 469-480-6275](tel:+1 469-480-6275,,21468028# ) United States, Dallas (Toll)

[(866) 639-0588](tel:(866) 639-0588,,21468028# ) United States (Toll-free)

Conference ID: 214 680 28#

Local numbers | Reset PIN | Learn more about Teams | Meeting Options

GoLang SDK

Java SDK


Python SDK


We also considering creating SIGs for byte code injection agents and other projects.