Awesome React-Three YouTube Car Project

Welcome to our awesome React-Three YouTube Car Project! 🚘


This project aims to explore the powerful combination of React and Three.js by creating a captivating YouTube-inspired scene. Imagine a mesmerizing car cruising through a beautifully illuminated environment! 🌟

Technologies Used

  • React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Three.js: A JavaScript 3D library that enables the creation of stunning 3D graphics in the browser.
  • react-three/fiber: A React reconciler for Three.js, providing a seamless integration between React and Three.js.
  • react-three/drei: A collection of useful helpers and abstractions for working with react-three/fiber.

Key Features

  • Immersive 3D Experience: Dive into a visually immersive world where a sleek car glides through a dynamically lit scene, offering an engaging and interactive experience.
  • React Integration: Harness the power of React's component-based architecture to build and manage the 3D scene with ease.
  • Realistic Rendering: Leverage the capabilities of Three.js to achieve lifelike graphics, stunning lighting effects, and smooth animations.
  • Interactive Controls: Enable user interaction with the scene, allowing viewers to control the car's movement and explore the environment.

Important information❗️

To run the project, you need a laptop or computer with a video card from 8gb.


The lesson I used to make this project can be found on this channel youtube 🚙💨

preview corvette