"Keep decompilers at bay, forever"

A secure based .NET Obfuscator developed in C# made by loom (loomisntreal).

Current Features

  • String Encryption (encodes strings in the program)
  • Online Decryption (decrypts the encrypted strings (string encryption must checked true for this to work) from the online method inside of the source-code)
  • Control Flow (mangles with the methods inside of the code so decompilers cannot decompile the methods)
  • Integer Confusion (this will add calculations inside of all integers)
  • Math Calculations (this adds arithmetic inside of all constants)
  • Constant Fields (converts all constants to fields with randomly selected names)
  • Local Fields (converts all locals to fields with randomly selected names)
  • Calli Conversion (converts all calls & calculations to calli calculations)
  • Proxy Strings (hides string references that were referenced to a type, method, or field)
  • Proxy Constants (hides constant references that were referenced to a type, method, or field)
  • Proxy Methods (hides references that were referenced to a type, method, or field)
  • Index Fields (indexes types/methods/fields)
  • Flow Conversion (floods decompilers)
  • Anti-Debug (prevents the assembly from being debugged or profiled)
  • Anti-Dump (prevents the assembly from being dumped from memory)
  • Anti-Tamper (ensures the integrity of the application)
  • Anti-Decompile (prevents decompilers from working)
  • Invalid Metadata (adds invalid metadata to modules to prevent disassemblers/decompilers from opening the application)
  • Stack Conversion (adds a piece of code in front of all methods and converts them to a stack)
  • Resource Conversion (converts all resources in the application to fields)


  • Q: Is there a binary available? A: No, you have to build it yourself.
  • Q: Will this project still be updated? A: Yes, if any decompilers are made for this obfuscator, minor & major bugs, or even a new feature, we will update this repository.