
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tech Blog

For this project, I aim to build a CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well. The app follows the MVC paradigm in its architectural structure, using Handlebars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM, and the express-session npm package for authentication. My main motivation for this project is to create an application that will allow developers to successfully write their blogs on their own platforms.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a CMS-style blog site WHEN I visit the site for the first time THEN I am presented with the homepage, which includes existing blog posts if any have been posted; navigation links for the homepage and the dashboard; and the option to log in WHEN I click on the homepage option THEN I am taken to the homepage WHEN I click on any other links in the navigation THEN I am prompted to either sign up or sign in WHEN I choose to sign up THEN I am prompted to create a username and password WHEN I click on the sign-up button THEN my user credentials are saved and I am logged into the site WHEN I revisit the site at a later time and choose to sign in THEN I am prompted to enter my username and password WHEN I am signed in to the site THEN I see navigation links for the homepage, the dashboard, and the option to log out WHEN I click on the homepage option in the navigation THEN I am taken to the homepage and presented with existing blog posts that include the post title and the date created WHEN I click on an existing blog post THEN I am presented with the post title, contents, post creator’s username, and date created for that post and have the option to leave a comment WHEN I enter a comment and click on the submit button while signed in THEN the comment is saved and the post is updated to display the comment, the comment creator’s username, and the date created WHEN I click on the dashboard option in the navigation THEN I am taken to the dashboard and presented with any blog posts I have already created and the option to add a new blog post WHEN I click on the button to add a new blog post THEN I am prompted to enter both a title and contents for my blog post WHEN I click on the button to create a new blog post THEN the title and contents of my post are saved and I am taken back to an updated dashboard with my new blog post WHEN I click on one of my existing posts in the dashboard THEN I am able to delete or update my post and taken back to an updated dashboard WHEN I click on the logout option in the navigation THEN I am signed out of the site WHEN I am idle on the site for more than a set time THEN I am able to view comments but I am prompted to log in again before I can add, update, or delete comments


In order to use this app, you will need to use the express-handlebars package to implement Handlebars.js for the Views, use the MySQL2 and Sequelize packages to connect to a MySQL database for the Models, and create an Express.js API for the Controllers. You’ll also need the dotenv package to use environment variables, the bcrypt package to hash passwords, and the express-session and connect-session-sequelize packages to add authentication.

Project Status

This project was completed on May 8, 2021.


MIT GitHub license




When you open the terminal, you will be able to view all employees, view employees by department and by role, view all departments, add new employees and new Departments, update an employee's information and remove employees.

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Preview of the App

  • This is how the app looks NoteTakingApp Screenshot