
My scaffolding code for Ansible roles. Setting up manually is not recommended. A script to initialise a new role can be found here: https://github.com/bertvv/ansible-toolbox/


Ansible role ROLENAME

An Ansible role for PURPOSE. Specifically, the responsibilities of this role are to:


No specific requirements

Role Variables

Variable Default Comments (type)
role_var - (scalar) PURPOSE


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

See the test playbooks in either the Vagrant or Docker test environment. See the section Testing for details.


There are two types of test environments available. One powered by Vagrant, another by Docker. The latter is suitable for running automated tests on Travis-CI. Test code is kept in separate orphan branches. For details of how to set up these test environments on your own machine, see the README files in the respective branches:


Issues, feature requests, ideas are appreciated and can be posted in the Issues section.

Pull requests are also very welcome. The best way to submit a PR is by first creating a fork of this Github project, then creating a topic branch for the suggested change and pushing that branch to your own fork. Github can then easily create a PR based on that branch. Don't forget to add your name to the contributor list below!


2-clause BSD license, see LICENSE.md
