Terraform Provider Kustomize

Run Tests

This provider is maintained as part of the Terraform GitOps framework Kubestack.

Using the Provider

The Terraform provider for Kustomize is available from the Terraform registry. Please refert to the documentation for information on how to use the kustomization_build and kustomization_overlay data sources, or the kustomization_resource resource.

Development Requirements

  • Terraform 0.12.x
  • Go 1.13 (to build the provider plugin)

Building and Developing the Provider

To work on the provider, you need go installed on your machine. The provider uses go mod to manage its dependencies, so GOPATH is not required.

To compile the provider, run make build as shown below. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64/ directory.

make build

In order to test the provider, run the acceptance tests using make test. You have to set the KUBECONFIG_PATH environment variable to point the tests to a valid config file. Each tests uses an individual namespaces. Kind or Minikube clusters work well for testing.

make test