- 📖 About Recipedaily
- 💻 Getting Started
- 👥 Meet the Chefs
- 🔮 What's Cooking Next?
- 🤝 Let's Cook Together
- ⭐️ Spice It Up
- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- ❓ FAQ
- 📝 License
Welcome to Recipedaily, where the joy of cooking meets the magic of technology. Explore a world of flavors, create, and share your culinary masterpieces with fellow food enthusiasts.
- Flavorful Authentication: Log in and register with a touch of Devise magic.
- Recipe Showcase: Create, edit, and showcase your recipes to the world.
- Public Potluck: Explore a potluck of public recipes and share your culinary creations.
Hungry for a sneak peek? Take a bite at the Recipedaily Live Demo.
The following steps were used in creating this project:
Set up the project by creating a new directory from the generated repository.
Set up the repository on GitHub and use Gitflow.
Initialize the project with Rubocop linters.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project, you need:
Ruby installed:
On macOS using Homebrew:
brew install ruby
On Windows or Linux, follow the installation instructions from Ruby's official website.
Rails Installed:
gem install rails
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone https://github.com/AlierPM/Recipedaily.git
Navigate to the Recipedaily directory:
cd Recipedaily
Open the project in your preferred code editor:
cd recipedaily
code .
To run from the local server, execute the following command:
rails server
To run tests, execute the following command:
rpec spec
Let's introduce the brilliant minds behind Recipedaily.
👨🍳 MasterChef Dev
👤 Alier Philip Maguet
👩🍳 Austin Obimbo
The kitchen is buzzing with excitement! Here are some upcoming features:
- Recipe Ratings and Reviews
- User Profile Customization
- Integration with External Recipe APIs
Join the recipe revolution! Contribute to Recipedaily by:
- Reporting Bugs
- Adding Features
- Enhancing Documentation
Feel free to check the issues page for ongoing discussions.
If you love our project, show your support by starring the repository. It adds a dash of motivation to our culinary journey!
We express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the development of Recipedaily.
Special thanks to Microverse for providing an incredible collaborative learning environment and making this project possible.
Q: How do I add a new recipe?
- A: Simply log in, head to your dashboard, and click on the "Create New Recipe" button.
Q: Can I share my recipes with others?
- A: Absolutely! After creating a recipe, toggle the privacy switch to share it with the world.
This project is MIT licensed. We invite you to cook up your own creative ideas using our recipe.