
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Math Magicians

📗 Table of Contents

📖 [Math Magicians]

[Math Magicians] "Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to:

Make simple calculations. Read a random math-related quote.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

Key Features

  • [Calcultor component]
  • [Home page compoent]
  • [Home page compenent]
  • [Navigation bar with links]
  • [Showing pages using React Router]
  • [Showing a loading and error status if an error occurs]

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🚀 Live Demo

Here is the liveview clickMe!

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💻 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this project you need to: Have a laptop, Install Git, Install Node.js, Have a working browser, Have a strong internet connection, Install VSCode with with extentions like live server, prettier formatter etc.


Install Node Js and NPM and Git on your local computer.


Open your commandline (if your are on windows ) or Terminal (if you are on Mac or Linux) and paste this command:

git clone https://github.com/enocol/math-magicians

then you will see the Math-margicians on your system then type this:

cd math-margicians

Now you successfully installed it.


Inside math-margicians on a terminal, type npm i to install dependencies After dependencies are installed, type npm start

Run tests

To run tests, run the following command: in a ternimal, type npm run test


You can deploy this project using:

Github Pages

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👥 Authors Enoh Collins

👤 Austin Obimbo

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🔭 Future Features

  • [Contact component]

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project follow Me on my social media

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🙏 Acknowledgments

Above all, to Almighty Allah be the Glory.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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