-Sign up for an account. (Open index.html)
-Log in to the website using your credentials.
-Use the search feature to find recipes based on ingredients or keywords.
-Enter ingredients or keywords and click the search button.
-Wait for the loading indicator while the application fetches recipe data.
-View the search results, including recipe name, ingredients, and a link to the full recipe.
-User interface created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for searching and displaying recipes.
-Search input field for entering ingredients or keywords.
-Visually appealing display of search results including recipe name, ingredients, and a link to the full recipe.
-Responsive design for compatibility with different screen sizes.
-No backend required; API calls made directly from the frontend using JavaScript.
3.API Integration:
-Integration with a public recipe API 'Edamam' to fetch recipe data.
-Handling of API requests and responses using JavaScript's fetch API or a library like Axios.
-Users can enter ingredients or keywords to search for recipes.
-Loading indicator displayed while fetching recipe data from the API.
-Graceful error handling with appropriate error messages if the API request fails.
5.User Experience:
-Simple and intuitive user experience.
-Basic styling using CSS for visual appeal.
-Functional testing by searching for different recipes and verifying search results.
-Cross-browser compatibility testing on different web browsers.
-Login/Singup of user authentication using browser storage.
-Loading indicator while the application fetches recipe data.
-Enhanced styling and design for improved visual appeal.