
A basic file sharing server

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Send Files To Me

What it is

SendFilesToMe is a very basic file upload service. It has been developed to be easily deployed and configured for short events (trainings, workshops, ...).

  • Pure Django/python implementation (no http server required)
  • Only a few settings
  • Local storage
  • Very basic authorization system
  • Poorly tested

By default it authorizes anyone to upload and download files, without any kind of limitation. But you can enable authentication to limit file access.

You have been warned :)

Roadmap (maybe)

Any kind of modification might happen, without guaranteeing compatibility.

Some features that might land at some point:

  • UI improvments
  • File expiration

How to run it

First, install the system dependencies required to build python-ldap:

# Debian/Ubuntu, as root
$ apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev

# CentOS/RHEL, as root
$ yum install python-devel openldap-devel
$ git clone https://github.com/gpocentek/sendfilestome
$ cd sendfilestome/
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ cp sendfilestome/settings.py.example sendfilestome/settings.py
(venv) $ mkdir -p uploads
(venv) $ ./manage.py createsuperuser  # if you need authentication
(venv) $ python manage.py migrate # On the first start only
(venv) $ gunicorn -b sendfilestome.wsgi

How to use it

To upload a file you first need to create a container. Containers are similar to Amazon S3 buckets or OpenStack Swift containers. The container must have a name and has 2 properties:

  • listable: if not set, the container will not be listed on the index page by default. It will still be available at http://SFTM/c/CONTAINER_NAME.
  • requires_auth: if set the container and its files will only be available to authenticated users. This property is only used when authentication is enabled (see the :ref:`configuration` section)

You can only upload files in containers, not ouside containers. You cannot create nested containers. If you have the permission to create the containers and files, you can also delete them.

If you enable authentication and create a super-user you can access the Django administration UI at http://SFTM/admin. You can manage users, containers and files using this interface.


The application leverages Django features for authentication, database access, caching and storage. See the Django 2.0 documentation for more information on these settings.

The following settings are specific to SendFilesToMe. You can define these settings in sendfilestome/settings.py or in sendfilestome/local_settings.py:

Path to the storage directory, where uploaded files will be stored. Default: uploads/ at the project root.
If True creating containers and uploading files is only permitted to authenticated users. Default: False.
If True downloading files is only permitted to authenticated users. Default: False.
If True authenticated users can list all the containers, including those marked as non listable. Default: True.


You can override all the Django settings in sendfilestome/local_settings.py as well.


Contributions are welcome. you can report issues, ask for new features, and create pull requests on the github project.

UI contributions are very welcome. The UI is ugly and needs to be improved.