SVG Converter REST API

This is for now a very simple server that will accept an SVG file (POST) as an input and later be able to convert it to a PDF or PNG file. This is using Inkscape in the background and can be made to use Cairosvg.

Example of use via curl:

curl -X POST -F 'file=@_model.svg' -H 'Authorization: Token 48de857eedb88797209521a1695b0dc8d614afd4'

It will return a file identifier which will be then used to get a specific version of the file (pdf or png):

curl -X GET > test.png


It can be installed as a simple django application using a deployment script such as


For now this is very basic, but we could imagine (it is actually very crude, but works...):

  • caching : make sure that we don't need to transform the file each time
  • use of django storage
  • storage of svg in the database instead of in the temp file folder