OTRestFramework is a library for interacting with Restfull web services in Objective C. It lets you specify your own callbacks and calls you back with a parsed document. It uses ElementParser to return a DocumentRoot that can be easily parsed. It is under active development and is not complete.

To add OTRestFramework to your project (you're using git, right?):
git submodule add git://github.com/Objective3/ElementParser.git ElementParser
git submodule add git://github.com/Objective3/OTRestFramework.git OTRestFramework

Open OTRestFramework.xcodeproj and drag the OTRestFramework project file into your xcode project.

Next add OTRestFramework as a direct dependency to your target.

Add 'OTRestFramework' and 'ElementParser/Classes' to your target's header search paths.

Add libOTRestFramework.a to your target (checkbox)

Be sure to enable the -ObjC in your Target settings under "Build" > "Other Linker Flags"