
This is a simple text-based browser which will scrape the data from the website entered by the user. It is mainly targetted towards those individuals who want to do everything from their browser, and those who don't want to spend their time scraping websites but want some data without using the mouse.


To run and use the project you need python, and pip.


Run the following command to clone this repository and install the required Python libraries

git clone https://github.com/ObliviousParadigm/text-based-browser.git

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use the browser

  • 'name_of_dir' argument is optional. This directory will be used to cache the websites you visit. If no directory is given, 'cache' will be the name of the default directory.
  • The cached files are saved in the above specified directory. Name of the file for https://www.example.com, will be example
  • All the websites you look for will be stored in the form of a stack. You can use the back command to go to the previous website.
  • You can use the exit command to exit the browser.
  • The links are highlighted in blue.
python3 browser.py name_of_dir
> Enter_name_of_website, say website1.com
> Enter_another_website, say website2.org
> back
* Takes you back to the previous website(ie, website1.com) *
> website2
* Displays the cached data *
> exit